Our Vision

Hands on learning for life.


We believe there are three components to a wonderful preschool: loving and experienced teachers, fabulous children, and interested and participatory parents. Our school features all three, as well as a peaceful indoor environment and a lovely natural outdoor playground.

We teach and learn the skills that matter – now and throughout the rest of life. Our primary focus is on social and emotional learning. By this we mean sharing and caring. In many ways, the most important thing we do is to support the children and guide them as they learn to express themselves, develop friendships with their peers, and explore and appreciate the natural world. The Jewish principles of loving kindness, justice, and repairing the world – which we believe are universal – guide us in this mission. We are also fully committed to supporting each child’s sense joyful individuality, academic eagerness and personal achievement.
For over 50 years, we have been known to Trinity Park and the local Jewish community as a great preschool. Learning is fun. We look forward to talking with you in person and we hope you will join us.